
মৰমৰ সূৰ্য, অসমীয়া শিশুসাহিত্যলৈ সাহিত্যাচার্য অতুলচন্দ্ৰ হাজৰিকাৰ অৱদানেই সকলােতকৈ অধিক। কিন্তু এই বিষয়ে যেনেভাৱে আলােচনা হ’ব লাগিছিল, তেনেভাৱে নােহােৱাৰ অন্যতম কাৰণ হ’ল ৰচনাসমূহৰ দুষ্প্রাপ্যতা।

দেশাত্মবােধ, নৈতিকতাবােধ আৰু মানৱীয়তাবােধক আনন্দ পাব পৰা কিনিৰে উপচি থকা অতুলচন্দ্ৰ হাজৰিকাৰ শিশু-সাহিত্য এতিয়াও আমাৰ ল’ৰা-ছােৱালীৰ বাবে প্রায়ােগিক হৈ আছে। প্রতিটো শিশুৰ মাজৰ মানৱীয় সত্তাৰ পূর্ণ বিকাৰ বাবে এইখনি ৰচনাৰ প্ৰয়ােজন আৰু গুৰুত্ব কমা নাই। ইতিমধ্যে আমাৰ অনেক বৰেণ্য লেখকৰ মূল্যৱান। ৰনাৰাজি পাবলৈ নােহােৱা হৈছে। হেৰাই যােৱাৰ আগতে অতুলচন্দ্ৰ হাজৰিকাৰ সমগ্র শিশুসাহিত্য তুমি সংকলন আৰু প্ৰকাশ কৰি যি মহৎ কাম কৰিলা, তাৰ বাবে মই তােমাক হিয়া ওপচা অভিনন্দন জনালোঁ। মই আশা কৰোঁ এই ৰচনাৱলী শিশুসকলেই নহয়, বয়স্কসকলেও উপভােগ কৰিব।

I had questioned Dr. Surjya Kumar Hazarika how much time he took to write this massive volume. he said it took him 10 years. It shows how sincere his admiration for Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. I wish a long life for Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, Bhupen Da has been living for a long time and will live for a long time. He will have to live long. A Persian poet had written - 'Live for thousands year. Each year contains ten thousands days. I hope the same happens to Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. I have grown admiration for Dr. Sujya Hazarika seeing his admiration for Dr. Bhupen Hazarika. I congratulate him. Publishing such a book is a very significant job. I hope he will publish Bhupen Da's autobiography soon. 8th February, 2008.

Dr. Mamoni Roysom Goswami - While delivering a speech releasing Dr. Bhipen Hazarika's Works

I congratulate Surjya Hazarika because he has barely touched fifties but has already published more than 500 books. We can be very proud of him as an Assamese publisher. Ther Government of India has awarded him with Padmashri this time. The Assamese community is grateful to him. 10th February, 2008

D.N. Chakravorty - Rabindra Bhawan, Guwwahati

After several years of hard work, Dr. Surjya Hazarika has gifted a full length feature film on Srimanta Shankardev to the Assamese community. After seeing this movie with such an in depth script and story line, everyone will be benefited by the greatness of Srimanta Shankardev.

Ismail Hussain - On the occassion of Platinum Jubilee of Assamese cinema and on Srimanta Shankardev

Hemkosh was born on the first part of this century. It was the result of untiring efforts of Hemchandra Barua. Hemkosh strengthened the foundation of Assamese language. Eighty years later, the second edition of the Hemkosh has been taken up by Bani Mandir's Surjya Kanta Hazarika. he finished the work successfully. Entire Assamese community is grateful to Bani Mandir for this work. with best wishes- 17th May, 1985

Dr. Bhupen Hazarika - On reprint of Hemkosh first edition